sooooooo yep.
I mainly just wanted to say that mi goreng...
although, it is so god damn good when you're eating it.
I mainly just wanted to say that mi goreng...
although, it is so god damn good when you're eating it.
it has serious, repercussions.
including stomache ache, which i have right now. fuck.
so yeah, eat it in moderation, dont do what i do and and get eager and have too much.
Also, my photography teacher, leigh, im pretty sure is like roughly 75-80% retard.
I hate teachers that are stupid. cause when you ask them something, to do with the subject that they're teaching.. they dont have a clue what your talking about.
I mean they spent a minimum of 3 years at uni? if not more to learn to teach.
so my conclusion for leigh is that he's just pretty much drunk everyday, or on drugs
yeah, probably drugs
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